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EZ Bar Skullcrushers

EZ Bar Skullcrushers

Muscles Targeted:

  • Many consider skullcrushers to be one of the best exercises to build your triceps. Although it can also be very neglected.

  • During this exercise, the long head of the triceps is primarily targeted, but the lateral head is also actively engaged.


  • When performing this exercise make sure the palms are holding on to the EZ Bar with an overhand grip and are facing outwards.

  • Although they are called Skullcrushers don’t bring the weight to your forehead but instead slightly over the top of your head.

  • Keep the elbows from shifting forward as you contract and imagine pulling the bar apart at the top of each rep.

Rep Ranges:

  • This exercise can be performed in any rep range and is a great option when working on overall Tricep strength.

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