Single-Leg Glute Bridge
Muscles Targeted:
This exercise primarily targets the glutes and secondarily the hamstrings, core and low back.
By elevating the foot of the working leg the hamstrings and core muscles will be involved in the exercise more.
Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your heels close to your butt.
Raise one leg and press the opposite foot into the ground and elevate your hips.
Try to form a straight line from your knee to your shoulder.
Squeeze your glutes at the top of the rep and return to the starting position. Hovering over the ground instead of stopping between each rep is a great way to keep tension throughout the set.
Rep Ranges:
This exercise can be performed at any rep range but the goal here is to take each rep through its entire range of motion, so continuing reps even after you can’t achieve a lockout isn’t necessary.